Monykuoch Deng
height 6'0"
chest 38"
waist 29"
inseam 32"
hips 31"
shoes 9 US
hair Black
eyes Dark Brown
height 6'0"
chest 38"
waist 29"
inseam 32"
hips 31"
shoes 9 US
hair Black
eyes Dark Brown
Monykuoch Deng is a South Sudanese model with a diverse range of interests and talents. With a strong passion for fitness, he dedicates his time to activities such as going to the gym, playing basketball, and advocating for calisthenics. Monykuoch also finds joy in thrift shopping and creating style videos, showcasing his unique sense of fashion. Alongside his commitment to sports and personal interests, he's actively involved in coaching, particularly basketball, where he shares his expertise and helps others improve their skills. Notably, Monykuoch is currently serving in the army, demonstrating his dedication to service and discipline. His multifaceted interests and commitment to both fitness and community make Monykuoch Deng an inspiring and dynamic individual.


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